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Moving Just Got Easier

AIM Awards is a national awarding organisation; we offer over 400 Ofqual regulated qualifications at different levels in a wide range of subject areas, as well as the QAA Access to HE Diploma. Our qualifications are flexible enough to be delivered in a range of settings, from community settings to large colleges and the work place.

We have a long heritage of working within the Further Education sector and can trace our roots back over 30 years, with some of the leading colleges in the UK choosing AIM Awards because of our Friendly, Fair and Flexible approach to working with providers.

At AIM Awards we understand how daunting and frustrating working with another Awarding Organisation can be, but are able to help you through the process with your own...

Once approved as a centre, one of our dedicated changeover team will ensure your transition to AIM Awards is as smooth and seamless as possible. We're here to help and guide you with everything - registering your learners, booking your standardisation events and working with our online portal.

Moving couldn’t be easier with AIM Awards – call today to speak with one of our Business Development Managers.

Telephone -  01332 341822

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